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Ever been stalked at work? I have

I think that us women put up with a lot more than you guys do at work. We are sexually harassed, hit on, discriminated against and thought of as less intelligent than our co-workers. Top that off with being paid less than our counterparts and you have the average woman in the work force.

I have had the experience of being stalked at work. This happened about 12 years ago and several jobs back in time. I was working days and there was a single man who was an electronics engineer who use to frequent the department I worked in. I was a married women who had a 3 year old child at home. I loved horses and always had a horse calendar hanging in my work area. The electronics engineer knew about my love for horses and thought that I was also a rodeo fan - I am not.

He started to get overly
friendly with small talk about rodeo bulls. I basically ignored him and threw a few comments about the subject his way to appease him. His visits started to become more frequent and he was visiting the department at least every few days.

A few weeks of this went on until I got a promotion and an offer to go on swing shift for higher pay and a bigger title. Good, I thought, I will soon be rid of my rodeo talking visitor. How wrong I was!!

It was not long into my new shift (about a week) that my rodeo fan showed up, saying he forgot something in his office and just wanted to see how I was doing on my new shift. His next visit came about a few days later. Soon after that he showed up again. This time I spoke to my boss who suspected that the rodeo fan was stalking me. He fixed the problem by having the guy's security card (the card we used to get into the various buildings) not work after a certain time. He could no longer pay me visits at 9pm at night.

I found out much later that the guy did have a crush on me. His crush was cured by him finally getting a girlfriend whom I think he did finally marry.

What made me think of that episode was that a male co-worker has been unusually friendly the past few days. This is someone who normally does not talk to me at all. Now I am wondering about him. He is single and takes care of his mother.

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