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WTF is adjusting the payroll?

This next paycheck should be interesting. Everyone was called into a company wide meeting and told that there would be "an adjustment in the payroll." No one will know what they are earning now until the next paycheck - in 2 weeks. So WTF are they up to now?

Of course all the dumb shits are expecting a pay I am not so positive. You have got to remember that this is the same company who is known for hiring a lot of people and
keeping the lowest paid of them and laying the rest off.

What company in its right mind would leave everyone guessing as to what they are earning for 2 weeks? If it turns out that everyone got a 10 cent raise then there would be a sigh of relief, but what if everyone got a pay cut?

If there was a pay cut, you can bet that this little company will be losing all of their best employees. I know that I have been looking already, so add a pay cut to my excuses to get out and ................well, what would YOU do?

There is another company wide meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Good god, what will we be told in that one?

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